TSU Sites

Tomsk state university

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Educational programs

Bachelor degree:




Specialist degree:



Master degree


1. «Industry 4.0»

2. «Bioinformatics and Biomedicine»
3. «Social Media»

1. Intellectual analysis of big data
Specialization 1: Industry 4.0 (industrial data analytics)
Specialization 2: Social sciences (social media)
Specialization 3: Bioinformatics and biomedicine (data analysis in bioinformatics and biomedicine)
2. Computer systems reliability and information security
Master training in highly complex robust systems development, equipped with modern methods and technologies for design, testing, verification, reliability and security control of computer system, networks and variety of critical applications.
3. Data processing, stochastic systems research and management
Master training in the area of innovative research and development of mathematical models, algorithms, methods, software, tools for applied probability theory and mass service theory, mathematical theory of tele-traffic,  financial and actuarial mathematics, high-performance computing and applications of the mentioned above.

1.Computer science and technologies
Specialization 1: Virtual and augmented reality
Specialization 2: Computer vision and video analytics
2. Artificial intelligence and applications
Specialization 1: Industry 4.0 (Intellectual information systems)
Specialization 2: Bioinformatics and biomedicine (Intellectual biomedical systems)
3. Project management in software development

Information technologies in finances
Specialization 1: Digital Economy
Specialization 2: Mathematics and information support in economics


Postgraduate students:


Research speciality:
05.13.11 Mathematics and software engineering for computers, computer systems and computer networks;

Research specialities:
05.13.01 System analysis, information management and processing (trade-wise),
05.13.11 Mathematics and software engineering for computers, computer systems and computer networks,
05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software systems


Research speciality:
05.13.19  Methods and systems of information protection. Information security.