Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
July 10, 2017 on the basis of the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of TSU, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (IPMC) was formed. The Faculty of Applied Mathematics as a structural subdivision of TSU was established on July 3, 1970. In the early 1980's it was renamed the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. In 1986 the Faculty of Informatics was formed as an educational and scientific complex "Informatics" on the basis of the Department of Programming and Informatics, the Department of Economic Cybernetics, the Laboratory of Computing Systems, and the Computing Center of TSU, in 1992 it was reorganized into the Informatics Department. Institute set up the Laboratory of Virtual and Augmented Reality with the advanced equipment.
The staff of the Institute are 114 teachers, including 31 Professors and 55 associate professors.
The institute is preparing
Bachelors in:
01.03.02 Applied mathematics and computer science;
02.03.02 Fundamental informatics and information technologies;
02.03.03 Mathematical support and administration of information systems;
09.03.03 Applied Informatics;
09.03.04 Software engineering
Specialists in:
10.05.01 Computer security
Master's in:
01.04.02 Applied mathematics and computer science;
02.04.02 Fundamental informatics and information technologies;
09.04.03 Applied Informatics;
The training of graduate students in three educational areas is being realized within the framework of four scientific specialties:
02.06.01 Computer and information sciences (scientific specialty 05.13.11 Mathematical and software support of computers, complexes and computer networks);
09.06.01 Computer science and computer science 05.13.01 System analysis, management and information processing (by branches), 05.13.11 Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks, 05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes programs);
10.06.01 Information security (scientific specialty 05.13.19 Methods and systems of information security.) Information security.
The Institute has three dissertational councils for four scientific specialties:
05.13.01 System analysis, management and processing of information (by industry);
05.13 11 Mathematical and software support of computers, complexes, and computer networks;
05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and program complexes;
05.13.19 Methods and systems of information protection. Information Security.
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Russia 634050
Building №2, room 106
Tel: (3822) 529-599