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Tomsk state university

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

27th International Conference on Computer Networks. June 23-25, 2020

27th International Conference on Computer Networks

1. Computer Networks Conference CN2020 – new edition announcement (CFP).
2. Proceedings will be published by Springer – ISI Proceedings (WoS), Inspec, DBLP, EI, Scopus.
3. Full paper submission up to January 19, 2020.
4. Conference: June 23-25, 2020 (Tuesday – Friday).
5. IEEE co-sponsorship and iNEER partnership.


The 27th International Science Conference on Computer Networks. The CN2020 conference edition will take place in Poland. Details about the venue will be provided soon.

All accepted papers will be included in proceedings published by Springer in the CCIS series which is indexed by DBLP, EI, Scopus and is submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings and Inspec. The actual indexing in the Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) database is up to decision of the service owner and is often with one year delay. Nevertheless, the papers published in proceedings of the CN2009 to the CN2018 conference editions have been already indexed by the Web of Science database. Please find more details on the conference web site.

Authors who are not interested in publication in Springer CCIS series may decide to publish their papers in Studia Informatica. This year however, it will not be Studia Informatica Journal, but Studia Informatica Monographic Book. For that reason the paper lengh limit does not apply and papers longer that the usual 10-12 pages are welcome.

We are waiting for submission of full papers for Springer CCIS publication until January 19, 2020. The call for papers is available on our web site.

Last but not least, the CN2020 conference has been approved for IEEE co-sponsorship. We also continue our partnership with iNEER.


Institute of Computer Science
Silesian University of Technology
WWW: http://cn.polsl.pl
Tel. (+48 32) 237 28 35, (+48 32) 237 25 95
Fax (+48 32) 237 27 33
(please send any posts to the following e-mail: cn@polsl.pl)


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Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - 21:21 to Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - 07:00